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National Contact Point for Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property

EIT & Knowledge Transfer - Example: EIT Raw Materials

"EU-Networking": Knowledge Transfer by the European Institue for Innovations and Technology; Example: EIT Raw Materials

Location: room Franziska Seidl, Ground Floor (barrier-free access), Sensengasse 1, 1090 Vienna

Time: Monday, 30.September 2019, 15:00 – 18:30, registration opening at 14:30 


The Institute of Innovation and Tecchnology is a unique EU initiative that drives innovation across Europe by integrating business, education and research to find solutions to pressing global challenges. In achieving this goal knowledge exchange plays a crucial role: Ideas must be transferred from basic research into applications. Scientific research, on the other hand, also benefits from close contact with the businesses.

In this EU-Networking, we highlighted the EIT Raw Materials and its activities in knowledge transfer.





14:30 Registration

        15:00 Welcome; Andrea Höglinger, FFG, Head of division European and International Programmes

        15:05 Strategic review and outlook; Peter Moser, University of Leoben, Vicerector for Infrastructure and intl. Relations

        15:30 Knowledge Transfer by EIT Raw Materials; Markus Klein, EIT Raw Materials, Business Developer Co-location Centre East

        16:00 Start-Ups associated with EIT Raw Materials

                  Robert Mischitz | FerroDECONT, Founder & CEO

                  Sebastian Kowitz | Talpa Solutions, Founder & CEO

        16:45 Discussion with the Speakers / Q&A

        17:00 Side note: European Innovation Council – 2021-27, Pathfinder & Accelerator Christian Frey | FFG European and International Programmes

        17:15 Culinary Networking

        18:30 End

Moderation: Andreas Jonke, FFG European and International Programmes; NCP-IP

Event language: German




Presentation of Vicerector Moser (Montanuniversität Leoben): "EIT Raw Materials: Ein Strategischer Rück- und Ausblick aus dem Blickwinkel der Montanuniversität und Österreich"

Presentation von CEO Mischitz (ferroDECONT): "Gründung und Entwicklung eines Start-Ups"

Presentation Mag. Frey (FFG): "EIC: European Innovation Council"

Präsentation Dr. Markus Klein (EIT Raw Materials)  "Wissenstransfer durch das EIT Raw Materials"


Related Links:

EIT Raw Materials (English): https://eitrawmaterials.eu/

European Institute for Innovation & Technology (English): https://eit.europa.eu/

European Innovation Council (Deutsch): https://www.ffg.at/Europa/FP9_EIC


This event is organized and carried out by the FFG on behalf of the Federal Ministries for for Digital and Economic Affairs, for Transport, Innovation and Technology and of Education, Science and Research.

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