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National Contact Point for Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property

Further knowledge and technology transfer initiatives in Austria

Knowledge transfer is not static, rather it is a constantly evolving process. Ideas and models are developed further, implemented or supplanted by new ones. Policy-makers are called upon to respond to these changes through new initiatives and strategies.

Knowledge transfer centres and IPR exploitation

Austrian universities are making an important contribution to strengthening knowledge transfer from academia to industry and society with three regional knowledge transfer centres  (WTZ Ost, WTZ Süd and WTZ West) and one knowledge transfer centre specifically dedicated to the life sciences.

The goal of the regional knowledge transfer centres is to optimise and develop the management of intellectual property. The networking activities are designed to provide business and industry with specific information to give them better and faster access to new findings, technologies, know-how and knowledge. One of the main objectives is to make the search for university cooperation partners easier and accelerate the implementation of new projects. Particular attention is paid to knowledge transfer in the humanities, cultural studies and social sciences and in the arts. This strengthens the ability to compete in a national and international environment and helps Austria to develop into an “innovation leader”.

The knowledge transfer centres are funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and the  Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and managed by Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws).

More information: www.wtz.ac.at 


The IP Hub online portal provides a pool of services related to intellectual property. The website at www.ip-hub.gv.at is a central contact point for all services relating to inventions, trademark protection and copyright. It provides companies, inventors and other interested parties with a quick overview of all federal funding and advice services. The IP Hub is part of the Austrian Patent Office.

More information: www.ip-hub.gv.at

IP Strategy for Austria

On 14 February 2017, the Austrian federal government introduced a strategy for intellectual property (IP). The aim of this strategy is to support Austrian companies, universities, research institutions and innovators in protecting and exploiting their innovations in the best way possible and thus to strengthen Austria as a research and business location. The professional management of IP on a broad scale is an essential requirement for Austria's rise to the status of innovation leader.

OI Strategy for Austria

Austria is the first European Member State to have developed a comprehensive national open innovation strategy. The strategy was drawn up as part of a broad participation process, which not only involved stakeholders from research, science and industry, but also the general public. In addition to an analysis of the national and international status quo of open innovation, the strategy outlines a vision for 2025 and specific measures for its implementation.

Austria is a knowledge transfer pioneer in the EU

The EU Commission's ERA Progress Report 2018 awards top marks to Austria for cooperation between science and industry, confirming the successful work of the National Contact Point for Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property (NCP-IP) (in German)

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