Open Innovation Toolbox
With "Open Innovation" the whole world can become your research and development department. The diversity of ideas is increased, development times can be shortened, research and development becomes more profitable and new products, markets and growth potential can be tapped. However, successful and sustainable involvement of external innovators requires fair framework conditions and appropriate recognition of their contribution to the competitive advantage achieved.
Since October 2019, the new Open Innovation Toolbox has been available to anyone interested to help open innovation projects succeed - based on fair conditions. It is a comprehensive collection of information from selected open innovation methods and tools with experience reports and practical tips for implementation.
Austria was the first EU member state to develop an open innovation strategy that aims to open and further develop innovation systems in order to increase their efficiency and output. (see brochure Open Innovation Strategy for Austria). BMBWF and BMK are jointly responsible for the national open innovation strategy. The Open Innovation Toolbox is an implementation of Measure 9 of the Open Innovation Strategy, which deals with the development of fair sharing and compensation models for crowdwork.