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National Contact Point for Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property

Turn your knowledge into business

Take advantage of European and National funding programmes

This webinar aims to inform the participants about possibilities in the context of knowledge transfer offered within European and National funding programmes. Programme experts from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency and the Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH and others will provide first insights to each topic by giving a short teaser note in the first session of the webinar. The second part is divided in nine parallel running break out sessions dedicated to each programme or initiative. The experts will give detailed information and answer specific questions from the audience.

Please choose one oft he following sessions when registering:

  1. European Innovation Council (Pathfinder/Transition/Accelerator)
  2. European Research Council
  3. Enterprise Europe Network
  4. European IP Helpdesk
  5. Spin-off Fellowship
  6. Bridge
  7. Skills Initiative of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs
  8. AplusB scale-up
  9. PreSeed/Translational Research Center

Recording of the first part of the webinar

Event language: English

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