World IP Day 2019
This year's World IP Day will focus on digitalisation and internationalisation in technology transfer. (in German)
Digitalisation and internationalisation in technology transfer
We have lined up a number of high-profile speakers to give you an insight into major aspects of international technology transfer in times of digitalisation.
We would be happy to welcome you at aws on 25 April from 13:30.
Event information:
- Thursday, 25 April 2019
- 13:30 – 17:00
- Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH, Walcherstrasse 11A, 1020 Vienna
- After the event, there will be ample opportunity to continue the discussions over drinks and snacks at the buffet.
- 13:30: Registration
- 14:00: Welcome: Mag. Edeltraud Stiftinger, Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH
- 14:10: From spin-off to 100% export rate: DI Markus Karner, Global TCAD Solutions
- 14:30: International technology transfer: How can I protect my innovation? Alfred Radauer, Technopolis Group
- 14:50: Drawing up contracts for international technology collaborations: MMag. Sabine Fehringer, DLA Piper
- 15:15: Break
- 15:45: Panel discussion: Impacts of digitalisation on international technology transfer
Di Markus Karner, Global TCAD Solutions
Alfred Radauer, Technopolis Group
MMag Sabine Fehringer, DLA Piper - 16:30: Knowledge Transfer Centre Programme 2; Presentation: Mag. DI Hannes Schwetz, Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH
- 17:00: Buffet and networking
On behalf of the National Contact Point for Knowledge Transfer and Intellectual Property
Information about the NCP-IP: (
Contact persons at the Federal Ministries:
Mag. Daniela Kopriva-Urbas, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
Mag. Sabine Matzinger, Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW)
Mag. Margit Harjung, Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT)