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Nationale Kontaktstelle für Wissenstransfer und Geistiges Eigentum

Knowledge Valorisation Week 2021

Making Research & Innovation Results Work for a Resilient and Sustainable Europe

The NCP-IP Programme: dissemination of knowledge about IP related issues in knowledge transfer

The Austrian National Contact Point for IP in Knowledge Transfer (NCP-IP) Programme was mentioned in the Commission’s Report about the Results of the Survey ‘Towards a Policy Dialogue and Exchange of Best Practices on Knowledge Valorisation’ as best practice example on Property management and protection. In 2010 the NCP-IP was set up by decision of the Austrian federal government based on the EU IP Recommendation. Its main objectives are improving legal certainty in technology transfer by providing current, legally commented contract models; support of open innovation processes through the provision of a comprehensive collection of information and tools; dissemination of current developments, support measures and best practice examples in the field of intellectual property in knowledge and technology transfer, establishment of networks in the IP and knowledge transfer community and trends setting in the field of IP in knowledge transfer. The NCP-IP is operated on behalf of three Austrian federal ministries (BMBWF, BMDW, BMK) by the Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) and the Research Promotion Agency (FFG).

Speaker: Sonja Polan (aws), Kay Felder (FFG)


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